What is micro and flash fiction, and what kind of writing process generates them? How do authors of very short fiction compress so much meaning and resonance into so few words, and how do they make a fiction that is 500 words, or just 300, feel complete? This introductory workshop will include a brief review of model stories, a presentation on tools for generating successful micros and flashes, and an in-class writing exercise.
Claire Guyton is a southern transplant to Lewiston, Maine, where she is a full-time writer and editor and a part-time librarian. We are pleased to have her for this Zoom presentation. Claire has been a Maine Arts Commission Literary Fellow and twice a finalist for the Maine Literary Award. Her work was selected for the Maine collection, Summer Stories, as well as the Best Small Fictions anthology. Her fiction appears in Crazyhorse, Mid-American Review, River Styx Magazine, Sliver of Stone Magazine, Vestal Review, and many other journals. She is currently revising a collection of linked stories and researching a novel inspired by five real women of 1890s Central Maine.

Although we meet in person at Alamance Arts, members and guests may also receive a Zoom link and passcode by email. Those who wish to join virtually are asked to request an access code by emailing alamancewriters@gmail.com.
Membership in the club is not required. Visitors are welcome to attend one meeting per year at no cost. Contact Cheryl Wilder at 336-494-5715 or alamancewriters@gmail.com for additional information.
This event is made possible by the NC Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources through the Alamance Arts Council.