Links on this page will direct you to each resource where available. Note: all links showing on this page are non-affiliate links. No funds are generated for the BWC or the member submitting the information if a purchase is made via any of the links on this page.
Blogs and Newsletters
Joanna Penn – The Creative Penn
A newsletter and a weekly podcast on writing and marketing along with lots of how-to tutorials. Offers both free and paid content.
Reading Resources
On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser, is a classic well-thought-out guide for the nonfiction writer who looks to engage their audience be it an email, a “how-to” guide, business writing, wellness experience, or people and places. The chapters on “Simplicity” and “The Audience” are especially helpful when setting up your outline.
You Must Write a Book: Boost Your Brand, Get More Business, and Become the Go-To Expert by Honorée Corder, is a free download via her website/bookfunnel that motivates and gives insight into writing a nonfiction book based on your business, knowledge, and experience. The book shares how you could build various income streams as you write from a place of expertise. Her website offers free newsletters and paid courses.