August 2024
As I step into the role of president of the Burlington Writers Club, I am both humbled and inspired by the extraordinary work of my predecessor, Cheryl Wilder. Last year, under her leadership, our club experienced remarkable growth—our membership swelled by over 60%, new programs and partnerships blossomed, and the energy within our community was palpable. Cheryl’s commitment to encouraging writers to “write without fear” resonated deeply, and her dedication to building a strong foundation for our future has set a high bar.
This year, we aim to build upon the solid foundation Cheryl laid. Our focus will continue to be on supporting writers in honing their craft, but we also recognize that the journey of a writer does not end with the final draft. What good is the written word without readers? This year, we will place a renewed emphasis on helping our members find and engage with audiences for their work.
Moreover, we are committed to expanding our engagement within the wider community. We believe in the power of the written word and the responsibility of writers to foster literacy, especially among children, and we will be exploring ways to support this vital cause.
As an affiliate of Alamance Arts, it is our honor to be part of a vibrant community of artists. Writers, though often labeled as craftsmen or wordsmiths, are indeed artists in our own right. Our work is a creative act that delves deeply into the human condition, no less than the visual, musical, or artisanal arts.
As we move forward, let us remember the words of Natalie Goldberg, who Cheryl so aptly quoted last year: “Let it out…Kill the idea of the lone, suffering artist. We suffer anyway as human beings. Don’t make it any harder on yourself.”
However, I may differ slightly from my predecessor in this. I prefer a quote attributed to Hemingway: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Let us continue to uplift and encourage one another, to write without fear, and to ensure that our words find their readers. Thank you for your continued support and passion for the written word. Together, we will make this year another chapter of growth and creativity for the Burlington Writers Club.
Bob Martin
2024-26 President