Congratulations to Alamance County Student Writers!

The Burlington Writers Club annually sponsors the Student Writing Contest to recognize exceptional student writers in Alamance County. The contest is made possible in part by a grant through the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources, and Alamance Arts.

An award ceremony was held at Alamance Community College on April 23, 2023. A total of 20 schools submitted 129 entries from grades 3-12: 81 private school, 5 home school, and 41 public school. Contest entries broken down by category: elementary school poetry, 1; middle school poetry, 21; high school poetry, 9; elementary school fiction, 59; middle school fiction, 32; high school fiction, 7. With one entry in the Elementary School Poetry category, the student was awarded Honorary Poet in lieu of first place.
Elementary School

1st place: Elaina Meredith
2nd place: Ella Lopes
3rd place: Sam Devries
Honorable Mention: Lydia Davis

Honorary Poet: Molly Moorhead
Middle School

1st place: Savannah Drews
2nd place: Jonathan Fox
3rd place: Luke Randall
Honorable Mention: Karsen Elliot (not pictured)
Honorable Mention: Samuel Ramsey (not pictured)

1st place: Tifa Davis
2nd place: Walker Jourdan
3rd place: Savannah Drews
Honorable Mention: Jayda Pitts (not pictured)
High School

1st place: Samantha Fish
2nd place: Katie Beth Jourdan
3rd place: Jacob Greene (not pictured)
Honorable Mention: Hannah Ferencik

1st place: Samantha Fish
2nd place: Katie Beth Jourdan
3rd place: Cooper Dark
Honorable Mention: Emma Kirkman